How To Download Google Chrome In Kali

Click on the download chrome button at the bottom accept license agreement download google chrome stable current amd64 deb.
How to download google chrome in kali. The easiest way to install google chrome on you kali linux is to by use of gdebi which will automatically download all depended packages. In order to do that just simply type this. Apt install gdebi core. Once ready install the actual google chrome package. Type below command to install google chrome.
Done building dependency tree reading state information. Setelah proses download google chrome deb selesai anda buka terminal kali linux anda karena kita akan menginstall nya lewat terminal. In this case we will use the apt package manager to install google chrome in kali linux. Sudo apt get install f 9. Kemudian anda ketikkan cd root downloads lalu tekan enter dan ketik ls untuk mengecek apakah aplikasi google chrome deb sudah terdownload atau belum.
Download google chrome in kali linux step 3. Install prerequisites using assuming you are logged on as root. Install google chrome in kali linux. This command will install chrome package and all the dependent packages in order to install chrome browser. Type password for your kali machine 8.
Sudo apt install google chrome stable current amd64 deb. Type y in terminal and press enter when it will ask. Now type below final command and press enter. Install google chrome browser on kali linux. After the package is downloaded install google chrome browser on kali linux using the following command.
To update google chrome package use below command. How to start run chrome browser in kali linux. First install gdebi. We can either use dpkg or apt package manager to install the package. When your done with all the steps now we need to start our package.