How To Spell Curious

How to spell curious correct spelling of curious how is curious spelled spell check curious how do you spell curious.
How to spell curious. Transcribe words to and from phonetics. He was curious to know how she had come by so many of the rare objects. Correct spelling for curious is kjˈʊɹɪəs kjˈʊɹɪəs k j ˈʊ ɹ ɪ ə s. How to spell curious correct spelling of curious how is curious spelled spell check curious how do you spell curious. This page is a spellcheck for word curious all which is correct spellings and definitions including curious vs curius are based on official english dictionaries which means you can browse our website with confidence common searches that lead to this page.
Kjʊərɪəs this form will allow you to transcribe any word to or from phonemic script. 3 a archaic. 1000 very common english words in phonemic characters. Eager to acquire knowledge. Just type it in and search.
Curious synonyms curious pronunciation curious translation english dictionary definition of curious. Interested in learning about people or things around you. Odd a curious coincidence we were concerned about his curious behavior. Marked by inquisitive interest in others concerns. This is how to write curious in phonemic script.