How To Spell Numbers

How do you spell 8th here in one simple chart we provide all the information you ll need.
How to spell numbers. The associated press stylebook recommends spelling out the numbers zero through nine and using numerals thereafter until one million is reached. To spell numbers use a hyphen to separate the words in double digit numbers such as twenty five or sixty two try to avoid spelling out numbers larger than 99 unless they are at the beginning of a sentence. The following table gives the number words from 1 to 20. America s two most influential style and usage guides have different approaches. For example seventeen high school students won the community service award.
To use the tool simple enter a number below and it will instantly give you the correct spelling. 42 is written with two numbers. This can be useful for writing professional letters e mails or cheques. However very large numbers such as 1 000 000 should be written as one million. The tool spells out numbers and currencies in words.
1983 was the year he was born. One two three four five six. 2 is in the ones place so this just equals 2. Number to words spelling tool. A rule of thumb is to write the numbers just as they sound.
If you are following ap guidelines years are never spelled out. Write the two parts together. Some languages don t support currency. One thousand two hundred thirty four. A number words rap to help kids learn how to the number words from 1 10.
Check out the special tips for troublesome number words below the chart. Nineteen eighty three was the year he was born. Write this as forty. Combine words to write more numbers. Scroll down the page for songs rhymes and examples to help you learn the number words.