How To Use Hotspot Vpn

Some browsers may prompt you to select a save location before proceeding step 2 install hotspot shield.
How to use hotspot vpn. However this can be done using a windows device. Fortunately there are workarounds to this issue. Click install click yes when prompted. You only need to make use of the hotshare tool if you are using a different vpn for your connection. To find the hotspot shield vpn application click the windows icon on the lower left hand corner of the screen or find the hotspot shield vpn icon on the desktop or taskbar.
For example you may want to use your vpn when on a public wi fi like at a coffee shop but not use it home. Then click start hotspot. If you are using a free vpn most likely you ll only get a certain amount of data to use per month. Click the hotspot shield icon to open the hotspot shield vpn application. Press the start hotspot button and connect your devices to the hotspot.
Under wi fi hotspot mode give your hotspot a custom name and password and select the speedify virtual adapter from the internet to share drop down menu. You may consider trying alternative methods such as. You can get a glinet router that can tether your iphone and then use the router to connect to a vpn. Step 1 download hotspot shield. For these reasons it s best to only activate your vpn when you need to secure your ip address.
If you see an. Click finishstep 3 close the ad. Hotspots on ios are designed to pass your cellular signal through your device without touching the devices subnet itself. But after this simply connecting to the hotspot created won t grant you access to the vpn connection. Share a vpn from your windows pc using wi fi.
More from connectify hotspot. Its not on the same local network even. Click the start button to turn hotspot shield vpn on. Wait for hotspot shield to install. Share a vpn from your windows pc using an ethernet cable.